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Increase advertising revenue and your monetization potential

Google Ads Management

As a trusted Google partner, our team can increase your sales and leads through highly targeted search campaigns. Request a free custom strategy from our Google Ads experts!

Our Google Ads services

As an award-winning Google Ads agency, our team of experts has extensive experience managing search campaigns across the following 4 channels:


Increase your business's online visibility with text ads that ensure your business's position at the top of the search engine results page. To ensure sustainable results, your RankingPT ad manager will constantly work to minimize cost per click and maximize conversions.


Maximize the impact of your ads with compelling digital advertising that reaches your customers as they browse the millions of websites on the Internet. Our talented designers create compelling display ads that generate clicks from high-interest audiences.


Reach engaged audiences with the world's second largest search engine: YouTube. Our YouTube experts conduct ongoing management to capture high-performing keywords and ensure ad messaging reflects the viewer's stage in the customer journey.


Convert ready-to-buy searchers into paying customers through targeted Google Shopping ads. Our team will use real-time data insights to create a custom Google Shopping Ads strategy that actively introduces valuable customers to your ecommerce store.

Anúncios Google

Turn a $1 investment into an $8 return with a good Google Ads strategy. We know how!

The truth is, most agencies have little to no idea how to execute an effective Google Ads strategy.

But here at RankingPT, we’ve spent the last decade helping thousands of companies scale their ads, grow their businesses, and explode their sales.

Our experience is second to none, which is why we can offer you mind-blowing ROAS (Return On Ad Spend).

In fact, we have so much experience that we don’t look at Google Ads as an ad platform; we look at it as a money printing machine that will catapult your business into the next stratosphere.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level with Google Ads that really convert – click the button below to set up a meeting with one of our digital strategists.

Minimizing risk while maximizing your results

Google Ads Advertising gives you the power to quickly turn on the taps to increase sales or contacts. However, Google’s advertising platform is complex and small mistakes can cost your business thousands, especially if your analytics aren’t set up correctly (almost every new client we talk to has the same story!)

We manage campaigns and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes we see so often. Instead, you’ll have a strategy with your business goals in mind, and we’ll use the right combination of keywords, ad types, and audiences to get results.

Our Google Ads management professionals will turn your campaign into a success

At RankingPT, we manage your Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) account, targeting the keywords that bring shoppers to your website. Highly focused keyword research determines the most profitable approach to getting customers looking for exactly what you offer. We develop effective paid search campaigns focused on meeting your cost-per-sale or contact goal by using powerful research tools and applying industry expertise. By investing in Google Ads, you help highly eager shoppers find your website who wouldn’t necessarily find it through traditional (organic) search engine optimization techniques. The combination of our in-house ad management team, along with CRO, copy, and design experts, makes us the leading Google Ads company that drives campaign performance.

Keyword research and competitor ad analysis

Choosing the correct keywords to bid on is the basis of success. We'll research keywords and competition to create a Google Ads campaign that drives sales and a positive ROI.

Creating campaigns and creating ad texts

We'll set up your ad campaign, create your ad copy, and configure all the settings. Multiple ad variations will be created and modified to achieve the highest conversion rates possible.

Detailed reports and team meetings

Every month we provide you with a detailed report on what has been done with Ads Manager and what the plan is for the following month. We'll also schedule a review call with our team and yours.

Campaign Management in Google AdSense

Campaign Management in Google AdSense

We offer world-class Google Ads management services, utilizing our understanding of your target audience to deliver quality clients. If used properly, Google ad networks can become your most effective paid marketing channel.

  • Continuity in testing is essential to the success of any marketing campaign, including Google Ads. Our PPC experts are constantly testing different ad versions to optimize click-through and conversion rates. Additionally, they can suggest improvements to landing pages to maximize conversions from traffic directed to your website.
  • Google's Quality Score metric is based on expected click-through rate (CTR), ad relevance, and landing page experience. A low Quality Score may increase your cost per visitor and reduce the frequency with which your ad appears. Our team will work to maximize your Quality Score by optimizing your campaign performance.
  • Our experts are committed to providing your business with as many sales and leads as possible, at the most affordable cost.
Increase your sales

Increase your sales

Google is where people look for what to buy. Your ad could appear on Google exactly when someone is searching for products like yours.

Our ads turn users into valuable customers.

Let's talk about your goals

Transparent reporting and analysis

When you choose a Google Ads management company, you should know what you are paying for. We are very proud of the PPC campaigns we manage for our clients and will be happy to show you the results!


  • Detailed reports

    See all the key KPIs related to your PPC campaign like keywords, average CPC, CTR, number of conversions, etc.

  • Integration with Google Analytics

    Integration with Google Analytics. Our exclusive RankingPT InSite dashboard integrates directly with Google Analytics, allowing you to view all traffic information such as direct traffic, organic search, paid search and referrals, all in one place.

  • 24/7 Dashboard Access

    24/7 access to the HV Insite Dashboard. Our Insite dashboard provides an easy-to-use interface that lets you view your important campaign information. You can also schedule reports to be sent via email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions about our Google Ads services? See our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

An agency-managed solution that targets your most profitable clients on the Google ad network, using strategies focused on high-performing keywords, improving ad performance and maximizing return on investment (ROI).

To begin collaborating with a Google Ads agency, it’s critical to conduct in-depth industry research, identify your company’s budget and goals, and consult with multiple agencies to make an informed decision. At RankingPT, we offer all potential clients a completely free PPC audit where we analyze your existing ad campaigns to provide actionable insights. We take the time to understand your company’s unique KPIs before getting started to ensure you get the maximum possible return on your investment.
You can read more and register your company through official Google channels.
Hiring a Google Ads agency like ours offers several advantages. We have experience in campaign management, keyword research, ad writing, and ongoing optimization, which can lead to better results. We can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. Additionally, we have enterprise tools, resources, and data that for small businesses could be cost-prohibitive.

Google Ads management fees start from a minimum of R$800 per month or 15% of ad spend, whichever is greater. Depending on the size of your Google Ads budget, the percentage charged may be lower. These values ​​do not include costs directly paid to Google for the traffic generated.

As the leading Google Ads agency, we have a well-defined process that includes competitor research, campaign structuring and setup, ad copy creation, and ongoing optimization. We can explain all these details if you request a quote. Ultimately, our strategies will align with your specific business goals, whether it’s for lead generation, eCommerce sales, brand awareness, or other goals.

Yes, if you want a complete digital marketing strategy. Few marketing channels offer the quality of traffic and targeting capabilities that Google provides. Plus, Google Ads is a quick and efficient way to get high-converting search traffic, making it ideal if you’re looking for a more immediate way to increase your online sales.

There are several strategies we use to ensure efficient ad spend. These include implementing negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic, setting ad scheduling to target the most valuable time periods, and continually monitoring and optimizing campaigns. As a Google Ads Premier Agency, our goal is to maximize the return on investment (ROI) of your budget by ensuring that ongoing ad optimizations allow you to use your budget effectively.

The timeframe for seeing results may vary depending on factors such as competition, budget, and campaign maturity. In general, you can expect to see initial results within a few weeks. However, as your campaign accumulates data and we make optimizations, you can expect to see additional improvements over the course of a few months.