Hosting Migration

Even small changes during a website migration cause Google to reevaluate how it views your website. Thorough preparation before the migration is crucial to avoid a serious loss of traffic later on.


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What are Hosting Migration Services?

Hosting Migration refers to the application of significant changes:

Website migration services address the website migration strategy in advance, joining ongoing processes and working on the results of poorly implemented website migration.


How Hosting Migrations Affect SEO

Website migration is one of the most complex processes in SEO. And the more complicated the process, the greater the risk to your website.

On the other hand, migrations are often necessary to keep up with constant technological changes and security requirements.

If your website migration is not done correctly, it can hurt your rankings and visibility for months on end.

Your current rankings are based on everything Google knows about your current website. Even a small change you make can have an impact, and if that change is applied to every page on your domain, the consequences can be dire. That’s why you need to check all the bases, especially on a technical level, to mitigate the risk as much as possible.

How Hosting Migrations Affect SEO
Hosting Migration - scope of work

Hosting Migration - scope of work

With your goals in mind, we work with your team to establish the best possible plan of action. We want to make sure that everything is in place before we make a change and that the chance of losing your valuable ratings is minimal.

Depending on your goals, website migration services can cover different aspects, such as
  • Change your URL structure at the domain or subdomain level,
  • Changing your structure from a top-level domain to a country code top-level domain, or vice versa,
  • Change the architecture of your website, optimizing the hierarchy of your pages,
  • Merging your websites,
  • Protocol migration,
  • HTTP to HTTPS,
  • Migrate to a different framework or platform, e.g. WordPress to Nuxt.js.
  • All the above mentioned aspects can only be achieved if we think about SEO at every step..

Let us guide you through your website migration based on the process we have developed over years of practical experience.


Migrate your Website with RankingPT

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of frequently asked questions by potential clients about Hosting Migration.

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to answer them.

Check out our FAQs:

Website migration is generally classified by SEO experts as any major change to a website that could impact its visibility. This could include domain changes, complete redesigns or a change of CMS provider. An effective website migration process will prevent your website from experiencing major disruptions to its performance.

Many businesses experience performance declines during and after migration, with worst-case scenarios requiring extensive strategic plans to recover. These issues are often caused by insufficient planning and poor implementation of a migration strategy. Seeking expert help can protect you from these risks and ensure that your website migration is completed smoothly.

While it is possible to do it in-house, migrating a website can be a tricky business. For this reason, hiring a dedicated migration agency can be a great idea.

With an agency like RankingPT, you will have access to a range of SEO experts with years of experience in website migrations. Regardless of the size of your website, we are well placed to support you in achieving digital growth and have proven experience in delivering results for similar businesses.

RankingPT is an independent, owner-operated team of digital experts. We are at the forefront of industry innovation, always developing new and better ways to achieve organic success internally and sharing knowledge with the digital marketing community externally. The team is comprised of both strategists and specialists, allowing us to provide the perfect combination of skills for your business needs.

The migration process itself typically takes around 30 minutes, but it can take longer depending on your specific circumstances. However, effective planning for a site migration can take weeks or even months, as there are several factors that need to be considered before taking any action.

We have some recommended hosting services, here are the links to them where you can register for your company.
