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Instagram Ad Management

In recent years, Instagram has seen huge growth, becoming the second most popular social network after Facebook. It allows you to generate traffic to your Website thanks to creative and strong formats. Instagram ads offer the perfect combination of today’s top two digital trends: mobile and video. Facebook Business Manager simplifies your management.

Our Instagram Ad Services


This is the most popular appointment we have with our customers. This is where we are always building new campaigns and creating customer pathways.


Whether or not your Instagram account is running the right type of campaign. We can give you the push you need.


Some customers can manage their accounts on their own but need help getting started. We can make sure you're headed in the right direction with your Instagram account.


Some clients already have people in the field to manage all of their ads. However, they still need an additional positive influence. That's where we come in with our consulting services.

Revenue quota

This plan is reserved for extra-special clients for whom we see high potential.

How to advertise on Instagram?

Almost any business can sign up for Instagram Ads Manager and start creating an ad campaign in a short space of time. Once you’ve completed account setup, you can name your campaign, set campaign objectives, assign a budget, and even start defining your target audience.

However, running an efficient Instagram ad campaign requires a great deal of knowledge, specifically when it comes to social media management and PPC management for ecommerce, and any of these aspects can quickly become a chore. full time – not to mention choosing the right types of Instagram ads to attract your target audience.

Types of Instagram Ads

Advertising formats on Instagram

Instagram Video Ads

6 Instagram Video Ad Examples For Your Inspiration - Creatopy

Video ads on Instagram are in many ways similar to photo ads, with the difference being that instead of a static photo, they contain video snippets meant to capture viewers’ attention and engage them. With view rates often higher on Instagram compared to other platforms, video ads can be highly effective.

Due to time limits placed on video ads on Instagram (typically around a minute), most of these ads only feature snippets or teasers of the full promotion, which may be stored on another platform, such as YouTube or the company’s website.

Video ads on Instagram that show products in use have the potential to generate strong customer interest. Depending on the placement and promotion of the video ads themselves, campaign views can increase significantly if customer interest is sufficient.


IGTV: Instagram's New Long-form Video App with 1-Hour Uploads

IGTV is the name given to longer videos that can be published on Instagram. These videos are effectively video ads, but they can be much longer, up to 20 minutes. For this reason, IGTV can help advertisers bypass the shorter length requirements of traditional video ads on Instagram, making it particularly useful for those whose audiences are heavily drawn to video-based content. IGTV ads can be highly effective for businesses that rely on longer video content to communicate their value..

Instagram Photo Ads

7 Excellent Instagram Ads Examples to Drive Sales | GRIN

Arguably the simplest and most straightforward format among Instagram ads, photo ads take advantage of the visual nature of the platform to present basic pictorial ads. Given that Instagram was designed for photo sharing, these ads are also the most common on the platform.

In addition to requiring compelling and captivating visual content to be effective, photo ads benefit from engaging and informative captions as well as relevant tags



Instagram Story Ads

Instagram Stories are one of the platform’s most popular features, and Stories ads often appear when a user browses between Stories from accounts they follow. These ads are often very short and cannot be revisited. While this can be a disadvantage, many users are aware of this and are therefore more likely to swipe up, resulting in a visit to the ad landing page.

Stories ads can be used to increase brand reach and in particular to drive more traffic to a company’s website, especially if the ad is designed to be highly appealing to the target audience.

Instagram Carousel Ads

How to Advertise on Instagram No Matter What Your Brand Is

Carousel ads are very similar to video ads or photo ads, with the difference being that they feature a set of images instead of a single one. If your initial photo ad catches your target user’s attention, they are more likely to “stay” and scroll through the carousel images, increasing engagement and attention to your Instagram post. Just like the other ad formats mentioned, carousel ads can be highly effective in driving traffic to your business website, especially if the images included are appealing to your target audience.

Instagram Mapped and Guided Ads

How to Create Instagram Ads? [An In-Depth Guide]

Mapped and guided ads use a series of tags to help users navigate through a series of posts. Although not very common, these ads offer a “personalized” experience for the shopper, allowing customers to “create” a personalized image of a product based on their preferences and selected options. While these ads can be time-consuming to produce, they can be effective in creating a personalized, targeted advertising experience, increasing click-through rates and capturing attention.

Instagram Sponsored Ads

Sponsored ads are a unique ad format through which a business can promote its own Instagram posts by turning them into ads. These posts are then known as “Instagram sponsored posts”. Since the company effectively pays to "boost" its posts, this type of advertising should be reserved for content that is expected to spark strong interest from customers. For example, some companies use their sponsored ad budget to promote special events, sales, or exclusive services. Additionally, these ads can be effective in increasing brand awareness.

Define Instagram Ads Objectives

It’s also important to establish Instagram ad campaign goals before investing in one. If you do not define the campaign objectives in advance, it will be difficult or impossible to determine, during the campaign, whether the project is meeting its objectives and whether it is worth investing in or not.

There are other campaign objectives that can be set for an Instagram campaign, which vary depending on your business’s specific needs, but the following three objectives are among the most common, especially for ecommerce businesses.

Spreading Brand Awareness

Instagram ads can be used effectively to increase brand awareness and generate interest. These ads are ideal for driving customer engagement and interest. Even if some customers don't convert immediately through ads, they will continue to learn more about your brand before eventually converting. For brand outreach purposes, an Instagram ad campaign can also be used to collect valuable information about user behavior, allowing the business to refine its buyer persona as it grows.

Generate higher levels of traffic

Instagram ads can also be used for the specific purpose of driving more traffic to your website. This objective can be an important metric for evaluating organic growth, and it can also positively impact your other organic growth strategies, like ecommerce SEO. Additionally, just like for brand awareness, when an Instagram ad campaign is run with the aim of increasing traffic, it can be used to collect valuable data about your target market. This data can later be used in customer relationship management initiatives.

Generate higher conversions or sales numbers

Driving higher conversion rates or sales is the main reason most eCommerce businesses run social ad campaigns. For most eCommerce merchants, the end goal of completing a sale is the main reason to invest in Instagram ad management services. When a company runs a campaign on Instagram with the aim of generating sales, it is crucial to create ads with original and appealing content, optimized according to the expectations and perceptions of its target audience. It's also important to include calls to action and use relevant Instagram hashtags where applicable.

Global Instagram Marketing Strategies for Ecommerce

Instagram’s Ads Manager, like Facebook’s, allows you to define three different types of audiences: saved audiences, lookalike audiences, and custom audiences. Saved audiences are comprehensively targeted; custom audiences are compiled based on specific criteria, email lists, or user behaviors; and lookalike audiences are generated based on similarity to saved or custom audiences.

Our Instagram advertising services ensure that you can effectively target your desired audience, whether through demographic, geographic or behavioral factors. Additionally, we prioritize ongoing optimization to improve the effectiveness of your ads over time, increasing profitability and reducing costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions about our Instagram Ads services?

Check out our FAQs:

Ads on Instagram are the platform’s advertising content format. If you don’t already know Instagram, you should know that it is currently the most important image-based social network in the world, with around one billion unique monthly users.

Instagram offers a very complete suite with different campaign and ad formats. Among them, the “story” format stands out, a recently popularized communication channel, known for the ephemeral nature of information and used monthly by more than 4 million brands.

If you want to manage your ads, you can register through Instagram Business or use Meta Business Suite.

There’s no better place to get the attention of people who don’t yet know what they want or need. On Facebook and Instagram, there are endless possibilities for the audience you can reach. The number of active users is huge. Therefore, there is no better resource to be able to create a funnel from start to finish than Instagram Ads. It’s that simple.

Yes and no. Campaigns that are not optimized, with low relevance scores and poor targeting can be expensive. However, well-optimized campaigns can be a very profitable way to advertise. This is especially true if you are exploring a specific niche with highly relevant ad creatives.

Not necessarily, but many types of businesses are ideal for Instagram ads. Therefore, it is important that you talk to us about this before making a decision. Instagram ads tend to work especially well if you’re already building a positive social media presence. Often, Instagram ads are most effective when they are part of a broader marketing funnel.

Instagram is great because it allows you to experiment with a small budget and then scale up as needed. It’s true that Instagram (and Facebook) favors those who invest more, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start with a smaller budget. There is no specific magic amount, but allocating around €5,000 per month is a great starting point.

Note: This ad budget allows any agency or advertiser to test multiple audiences, creatives, and campaigns, as long as the offer is already converting.

You should work with an agency that has experience. A full-service agency specializing in Instagram ads can do much more than you could on your own. For example, a qualified agency can be excellent at both media buying and ad creation, performing both tasks with high competence.

The objective of Instagram ads compared to Google Ads is different; It’s not about which is better or worse. Instagram ads can be more affordable in terms of cost compared to Google Ads. Additionally, Instagram ads are often more effective for brand awareness. However, Google ads tend to be more effective for intent-based searches. Using both ad formats, taking advantage of their strengths, is the best strategy!

There are many potential audiences such as locations, retargeting, placements, time targeting, and other similar opportunities. In the end, knowing your audience and how they interact on social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram, will help you optimize the targeting of your ads.

Undoubtedly. People take longer to solidify their decisions than you think. Each individual who clicks on your ad is living a unique experience in which they make decisions for reasons that may not be immediately evident. Remarketing ads are the perfect opportunity to reintroduce yourself in unique ways and remember your brand.

Have a solid social media presence before publishing your ads. Take the opportunity to build a loyal audience on social media regardless of ads, and establishing a legitimate presence is a great place to start. After all, ads are not just a way to generate purchases or contacts; They are also a route to creating brand awareness and loyalty.

We have the experience, empathy, passion, and talent to give you a competitive advantage in Instagram ads. Effectively managing an Instagram ad campaign requires creativity and knowledge, as well as the determination to constantly raise the bar. We are not a “set it and forget it” agency. Wasting money affects us as much as it affects you. We put our hearts and minds into your project. We have data from many customers in different sectors, which allows us to anticipate trends and predict results. Plus, we’re a proactive Instagram ads agency, not a reactive agency.