PPC (Pay-Per-Click Advertising) magic from our experts

Use PPC to get results you thought you could only imagine.

Organic growth is crucial for your business, but companies often need to move faster. PPC management services are a way to immediately access qualified opportunities.

PPC Pay per click

Our PPC services include:

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What is Pay Per Click (PPC)?

What is Pay Per Click (PPC)?

PPC or “pay per click”, are simply search results that you pay for, as the name suggests, you pay for each click. Unlike SEO marketing, PPC is the fastest way to get your products and services featured in search engine results and immediately start driving traffic to your website. With PPC, you have more control over your spending and can decide what budget you want to assign to your campaigns on a daily or monthly basis.

What is the main challenge for PPC advertising services?

RankingPT’s PPC agency eliminates the challenge of pay-per-click advertising. Our team knows how to leverage high-traffic keywords to develop campaigns that help your business:

Reducing Advertising Spend to Improve ROI
Increase average click-through rates
Increasing ROI with A/B Testing and Strong Copy
Using low-cost, high-converting keywords
Implement remarketing ads to convert more contacts

What is included in monthly PPC management?

Our agency’s PPC management services include the following tasks as part of monthly management:

How can our PPC agency help your business?

Our PPC campaign management services use proven strategies to attract high-quality leads to your website by paying for ads on major search engines in the US and around the world. We help your business:

Increase revenue and profitability

Attract high-quality leads that convert into sales to increase your revenue and profitability. Let's target competitive keywords that customers search for late in the buying cycle, even before making a sale.

Attract a healthy flow of leads

Filling your contact pipeline is priority #1. Campaigns will be created that lead to direct sales or that encourage potential buyers to contact your sales team for more information.

Maximizing Marketing ROI

A/B testing and real-time monitoring allow us to achieve click-through rates of up to 15%. Our team will reduce PPC costs and improve ROI to reduce customer acquisition costs.

Ensure greater market share

We take care of your PPC advertising, monitor results, A/B test and maximize your market share and profitability.

How to start working with our PPC management agency?

PPC advertising services start with contacting our team and choosing one of our PPC plans. We will start the process with:


Discuss your company’s goals for PPC advertising


Analyze your industry and conduct in-depth investigation


Creating ad copy for keywords to test and run


Carry out campaigns, test, analyze and improve our strategy


Inform you of the results

Contact us immediately to discuss how our PPC management services can help you grow your business.


PPC (Pay Per Click) Questions

PPC management services are typically offered by a PPC agency. Management involves overseeing and managing a company’s spending on PPC ads.

The process typically involves:

Keyword Analysis: Agencies managing your campaign will research and target specific keywords and search queries.
Competitor analysis: It is important to understand the strategies and tactics used by your competitors. PPC management also involves determining whether you should bid on the same queries or choose other queries that your competitors are ignoring.
Channel strategy: PPC can involve multiple channels, such as paid social media placement and affiliate marketing.
Monitoring: Management also involves monitoring reports closely and knowing which queries are used most frequently.
A/B Testing: Split testing will help determine which ads produce the best results.

Ads that appear in search results are targeted to a specific audience and often receive nearly half of all page clicks. Users who click on paid ads are typically ready to make a decision and are therefore more likely to purchase a product or service compared to an organic visitor. With PPC ads, your ads are targeted at online users looking for your type of business. This can have a significant impact on your results.

The cost of running a PPC ad campaign varies. Different cost factors include the type of industry, type of company, and size of the company. These factors will influence the price of your PPC ad campaign. Pricing can also be affected by the type of strategy you are implementing. However, expect to spend up to $5,000 per month for a small to medium-sized business. This price includes ad spend and professional services from your chosen PPC agency.

Your PPC costs should be calculated based on your bid, your targeting, and the quality of your ad. The amount you are willing to spend for a user to click on your ad is called your bid. You enter your bid in an ad auction and the highest bidder wins, so you may end up paying less than your bid amount, but never more. Targeting factors include every aspect of your objective, from the keywords you rank for to the demographics of your audience. The more competitive your objective, the higher the costs. For example, bidding on a very competitive keyword costs more because it has a higher cost per click (CPC). Google also monitors the quality of your ads. If your ad quality is high, you can often keep costs lower because Google will rank your ad ahead of competitors with low-quality ads. Understanding and taking into account all of these factors is the way to determine your PPC budget.

PPC is a flexible online advertising method that allows you to create a budget and adjust it whenever necessary. Most importantly, you can directly target your ideal audience, which is impossible with traditional advertising or digital marketing campaigns. The information gathered from tracked data from PPC campaigns is invaluable because it gives you a better idea of ​​your users’ behavior. Your paid advertising campaigns appear ahead of all organic results in search results, helping you instantly outrank your competitors and support your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.